Oral Surgeon Blog | North Shore Smile Surgery

A Better Way To Refresh Your Smile

Written by North Shore Smile Surgery | Aug 22, 2016 3:53:37 PM

How you got to this point isn’t important. What you will do about it is what matters.

You can look back and question your decisions. You can play the “what if” game with yourself all you want, but it’s not going to bring your teeth back.

You have joined the estimated 35 million Americans who are missing one or both row of teeth. Yes, it may seem embarrassing, but it doesn’t mean you are required to eat pudding, mashed potatoes, and soup for the rest of your life.

It’s time to reclaim your smile. It’s time to reclaim your ability to eat the foods that you love.

It time to contact North Shore Smile Surgery in Buffalo Grove, IL. It’s time to ask our dentist about the Refresh Smile dental implant procedure.

How Implant Dentures Can Help You

Millions of people lose one or both rows of teeth every year, and many of them settle for traditional dentures. We say settle because they are missing out on the biggest benefit of having dental implants.

Some of your may already know that dental implants are replacements for the roots of your missing teeth. Modern implants are made of titanium because this metal goes through a process called osseointegration with bone tissue.

When titanium implants are placed in your jawbone, the pressure from the implant triggers the jaw to create new bone tissue. That new tissue bonds with the implants and that holds the implants securely in your mouth.

By placing a series of implants in your mouth, you create a stable, sturdy foundation to support your dentures. As you heal, your jaw will get stronger, and your bite will become more powerful.

It may not be 100 percent of your bite force with a full set of natural teeth, but it will be close enough that you can eat all the foods that you love to eat.

With traditional dentures, you only get back a fraction of your original bite force (20 to 25 percent). You can eat some things, but you won’t be able to eat everything that you might like.

You run the risk that your “teeth” with come loose when you take a bite. For that matter, your dentures could fall out when you are in the middle of placing your order.

That’s something else you won’t have to worry about with implant-supported dentures. They will stay secure when you order your food and while you are dining.

How Refresh Smile Is Different Than Other Implant Procedures

The things we mentioned above are true of any implant dentures, but that does not mean all implant procedures are the same.

Refresh Smile is our version of the All-on-4® procedure. One of the big advantages of Refresh Smile over other implant options is that it only requires four implants.

This saves you time, and it can make the procedure more affordable. With careful planning and strategic placements, Refresh Smile can restore your smile and your bite force.

There is something else you should know about implant dentures. In a typical placement, you would not receive dentures that same day. You would need time to heal, which could take a few months before your jaw was ready to support your replacement teeth.

With Refresh Smile, we can’t place your permanent dentures right away, but many times, we can place a set of temporary dentures on the same day as your procedure.

This way you don’t have to spend months with an empty row of teeth. You won’t have your full bite force right away, but you will be able to use your temporary dentures to eat some things.

As your jaw heals and the bone bonds to your implants, you will notice your bite force increasing. By the time you are ready for your permanent replacement, you will have a pretty good idea how effective and how comfortable your Refresh Smiles implants really are.

How You Can Learn More About Refresh Smile

One way is to read about it on our web page. Here you will find more information about the procedure. You can read testimonials from patients who have gone through this procedure, and you can hear from other dentists about why they refer their patients to us.

To find out if Refresh Smile will work for you, however, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our dentist at our office in Buffalo Grove, IL. This will give him an opportunity to examine your mouth and jaw and to answer your questions about Refresh Smile.

The first step to reclaiming your smile and your bite is to contact North Shore Smile Surgery. Call us at 847-276-2500 or contact us online with our easy to use form.