Oral Surgeon Blog | North Shore Smile Surgery

How Dental Implants Improve Quality of Life

Written by Dr. Scott Frank | Aug 6, 2021 1:00:00 PM
Going to the dentist is not a favorite activity for most of my patients. Having a surgical procedure is certainly even less desired. So to say to patients that dental implants are one of the most exciting dental advances of all time is not always met with enthusiasm - unless, of course, you are suffering from one or more missing teeth!


Loss of a tooth, multiple teeth or even all teeth can have many undesirable consequences, such as the following:
  • Embarrassment
  • Loss of confidence
  • Less smiling and laughing
  • Loss of chewing of favorite foods
  • Premature aging face
  • Loss of work or career
  • Less intimacy
Losing a tooth or teeth often leads to a decrease in the quality of life, and that is why it is such a pleasure and honor to give my patients back the quality of life they want and deserve.


Dental implants are today’s best and most advanced man-made solution for replacing teeth. In fact, there are very few replacement “body parts” today that look, function and feel so much like the original.

The good news is that a missing tooth is not a heart valve. Unlike a heart, you can survive without a tooth or teeth. But if you are experiencing any of the consequences listed above, you don’t have to suffer like your grandparents may have.

The best part of being an implant surgeon is the feedback I get once treatment is complete. Here are some of the comments that I’ve gotten from implant patients:

  • “That was so much easier than I expected!”
  • “I love my new smile!”
  • “I can eat whatever I want”
  • “I wish I had done this sooner!”
  • “It has changed my life!


Here’s just one story of the awesome difference that getting dental implants made in the life of one of my patients:

Betty was a 55-year-old mother of three whose life was once turned upside down because of her failing teeth. When I first met Betty, she talked very little and avoided eye contact, looking mostly at the floor. She constantly pulled her hair forward to cover her mouth. Her general physical appearance reflected that she had all but given up on the way she looked, a fact that she confirmed.

The look of her teeth had even begun to drastically affect her familial relationships – she told me that she no longer remained in contact with her children. It was obvious that she suffered from extremely low self-esteem, depression, and had serious anxiety issues when in public settings. After the first examination, I understood why. Betty’s teeth were severely damaged and decayed. She had consistently noticeably bad breath and was in constant pain.

After replacing her upper and lower teeth with the ReVita Smile implant treatment (also known as All-on-4, immediate full arch dental implant treatment), Betty’s life was completely transformed. She loves her life again and her outlook and perspective have changed tremendously. Her whole personality is different now. She’s confident, enjoys social interactions, and has rebuilt her relationships with family members. She started taking care of herself again, changing her hair, wearing makeup, and revamping her wardrobe as well. She smiles constantly and makes eye-contact when speaking with others.

Of all the patients I’ve seen, Betty’s story is one that has touched everyone at my office. The drastic effect that a one-day treatment had on this woman was more than any of us expected - it completed transformed her life. My office staff and I couldn’t be happier with Betty’s results. It makes me feel proud, but more than that, it’s the reason that I do what I do.

All of our patients enjoy an improved quality of life after receiving dental implants and are happy to get their teeth back. 

If you want to explore your options when it comes to missing teeth, don't hesitate to contact our team today!  

This blog post is based on an excerpt from Dr. Scott Frank's chapter in the book, "A Reason to Smile: Fixing Broken Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry."